In a way, Hills & Dales Estate acts as a microcosm of the best LaGrange, Georgia has to offer. That makes it a great starting point to introduce yourself to the area’s history and art. Here are just eight of the many reasons to put Hills & Dales Estate on the top of your list:
8 Reasons To Put Hills & Dales Estate On Your Travel List
1. Get a Taste of Callaway Life
Sure, you’ll see their names on buildings and area attractions as you drive around, but it’s easy to forget there are real people attached. Without a doubt, the Callaway family changed the face of the entire state of Georgia by not only developing industry but also supporting cultural, humanitarian and religious causes. Step inside their home and you get a better sense of their love of family and community, and their strong faith.
2. The Cutest Tour Guide in Town
Meet Mickleberry! He’s a 6-toed rescue cat who lives on the property and enjoys meandering through the garden paths with guests. Of course, he must have learned his technique from the human guides who are all incredibly warm, welcoming and eager to share their knowledge.
3. The Crown Jewel of Famed Architect Neel Reid
And that’s saying a lot. Neel Reid is responsible for some of the South’s most iconic properties. He had his hands on most of Ansley Park in Atlanta, Mimosa Hall in Roswell, and a version of George Washington’s Mount Vernon across from the governor’s mansion in addition to hotels, churches, hospitals and libraries. Reid became a friend to the Callaway family and took his time to ensure the design complemented the beautiful Ferrell gardens. The result is a stately mansion high on a hill that gives visitors a unique look at the tastes of yesteryear.

4. World Class Floral Arrangements Indoors
They’re all created by resident designer David Brown, using cuttings from the garden. Alice Callaway loved all kinds of flowers, especially white orchids, calla lilies and tropicals. You can view her collection that is still being propagated in the greenhouse today. There’s always something in bloom! View our Bloom Calendar to plan your visit around your favorite flowers.
5. One of the Best-Preserved 19th Century Gardens in America
As the brochure says, “Walk down garden paths continuously cultivated for over 175 years.” It’s so admired and well done that even other famous family foundations send representatives here to study the great work.
6. “Five Acres of Heaven”
That’s how the Atlanta Journal Constitution described their visit 50 years ago and it’s still incredibly accurate. More than dignified, manicured boxwoods, it’s a spiritual retreat. Finding God in the garden is easy. You’re reminded of His abundance and beauty at every turn. And not just because there are topiaries of a harp and a pulpit. Also, the garden’s faith-based sayings serve as a nice prompt to visit the nearby Biblical History Center, which was brought to life in no small part by contributions from the Callaway Foundation.
7. A Glimpse of Great Southern Art
Not only did the Callaways appreciate art but Fuller Jr. also took up painting as a way to relax. You’ll see a landscape he painted in the parlor (ask about the funny story behind it). Callaway took lessons from the famous Lamar Dodd, whose work also appears in the home. He painted a watercolor of the South elevation as a wedding gift and also gave the Callaway family a charcoal sketch of sailboats as a thank you gift for a weekend stay. Architect Neel Reid contributed a piece. Upstairs in the billiards room, there’s a painting by noted folk artist Jean Lake of Troy, Alabama. If this whets your appetite for more art, stop by the LaGrange Art Museum, just down the street.
8. The Original ‘Man Cave’
An article dated March 21, 1992, in the Toronto Star is credited as the first official use of the term “man cave” but just have a look at the third floor game room. Billiards, check. Card table, check. Table tennis, check. OK, they didn’t know about 80″ flat screens back then for those house-divided Georgia v. Georgia Tech games but everything else fits. Oh, and check out the skylights which open to vent when things get a little heated or the cigar smoke is too much.
BONUS: Celebrate the Holidays, Callaway Style!
Hills & Dales Estate is always worth a visit but even more so when it’s all decked out for the holidays! An abundance of fresh flowers, plants and evergreens adorn the impressive interior. Ooh and awe at the elegant Christmas tree decorated to reflect the 1940s – just as it greeted loved ones back when the estate’s famous residents, the Callaways, called it home and held huge feasts.